Graduates of all Departments of Physical Education and Sports (DPES) of the country, and of recognized institutions from abroad are accepted in the Program. In addition, graduates of other University Departments and Higher Technological Educational Institutions of the country, or of equivalent recognized institutions from abroad, of a relevant academic subjects are accepted with the following ratio:
A. DPES Graduates at a rate of 80%.
B. Graduates of other University Departments and Higher Technological Educational Institutions at a rate of 20%.
In the case that the positions are not filled by DPES Graduates, the Graduates of other University Departments and Higher Technological Educational Institutions can fill the maximum number of successful candidates.
Categories of candidates who can be accepted to attend the Master's Program are:
- Holders of the higher level of University Departments of the country and
- Holders of the higher level of equivalent institutions abroad. A Master's Degree is not awarded to a student whose first level degree from a foreign institution has not been recognized by the Interdisciplinary Organization for the Recognition of Academic Titles and Information (D.O.A.T.A.P.), in accordance with Law 3328/2005 (A' 80).
- Members of the Special Educational Personnel (SEP), Laboratory Teaching Staff (LTP) and Special Technical Laboratory Personnel (STLP), as long as they meet the conditions of the first paragraph of paragraph 1 of article 34, can be registered as supernumeraries and only one per year per Master’s Program, organized in Departments of the Institution that they work for, in programs which are relevant to the degree and the position that they have at the relevant Institution.