Bodies for the administration, organization and operation of the MSc are:
- The Senate of the Foundation. It is the competent body for academic, administrative, organizational and financial issues of the Postgraduate Programs and exercises those responsibilities related to the Postgraduate Programs that are not specifically assigned by law to other bodies.
- The Coordinating Committee (CC). It consists of five faculty members of the Department, who have undertaken postgraduate work and are elected by the Departmental Assembly for a two-year term. She is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the operation of the MSc.
- The Committee on Postgraduate Studies. It consists of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, who serves as President, and the Deans of the Foundation as members. It shall have the powers provided for in Article 32(5). 4485 of Law 2017/<>.
- The Director of the MSc. He is a member of the CC, is appointed together with his alternate by decision of the Assembly of the Department for a two-year term and must meet the requirements of article 31, par. 8 of Law 4485/2017. He may not serve more than two consecutive terms and shall not be entitled to additional remuneration for his administrative work. The Director shall have the powers provided for in Article 31(8). 4485 of Law 2017/45 and any others defined by the Assembly of the Department (article 1, par. <>c).