The Advisory Committee
Αρχική / Thesis / The Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee

The three-member examination committee includes the supervisor and 2 members and is appointed by the Coordinating Committee. The members of the committee must have the same or related scientific specialization with the subject of the MSc.

In exceptional cases, if there is an objective impossibility or an important reason, it is possible to replace the supervisor or a member of the three-member Examination Committee (e.g. on his/her resignation) following a decision of the CC.

The three-member examination committee gives its consent to the defense of the postgraduate thesis, through a form (provided by the secretariat of the MSc), which, once completed, is submitted to the secretariat of the MSc. The form must bear the signature of all members of the selection board. In any case of disagreement of a member, the latter should submit its objections in writing within 15 days, the final decision being judged by the CC.

Διοίκηση Αθλητισμού, Αναψυχής και Αθλητικού Τουρισμού ΤΕΦΑΑ ΑΠΘ

The Postgraduate Program "Management of Sports, Recreation and Sports Tourism" aims to teach and promote research on issues related to the management of sports, recreation, sports facilities / centers and sports tourism, covering the entire spectrum of municipal, state (RDI), and private organizations and clubs of the sports market in Greece.



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Management of Sport, Recreation and Sport Tourism | Department of Physical Education & Sport Science Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Postgraduate Studies Secretariat, 1st floor (glass building), Thermi, Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124

+30 2310-992242